Download The Wealthy Barber Updated 3rd Edition Everyone Commonsense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent David Chilton 0086874513112 Books

Download The Wealthy Barber Updated 3rd Edition Everyone Commonsense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent David Chilton 0086874513112 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher Currency; Updated, Subsequent edition (November 25, 1997)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0761513116

The Wealthy Barber Updated 3rd Edition Everyone Commonsense Guide to Becoming Financially Independent David Chilton 0086874513112 Books Reviews

  • We bought this for my wife's class as a required reading. I don't have any clue why it would be required. It's got an interesting story behind it, but the financial info is clearly out of date. There have been a lot of changes since this book was published that make every other point archaic. It must have been great 10-15 years ago, but not for me.
  • The Wealthy Barber (3rd edition) is a pretty good read if you're just trying to figuring out how and where to start investing your income. It's divided up into "lessons," where each chapter describes a different step and strategy one could (and should) take to start building their retirement nest egg. All these chapters are completely useful and applicable, so if that's what you're looking for, then this might be the book for you--especially if you'd prefer a more narrative and entertaining approach to picking up a few good financial tips.

    My complaints, however, are here

    - Although some of the tips are super easy to pick up, some will still go over your head. In my opinion, that defeats the whole purpose of the simplistic, investing-for-dummies approach to the book. I understand the types given are essential tips, so don't get me wrong there. It's just that some BASIC tips are fleshed out in 10 pages, and some ADVANCED tips are glossed over in a paragraph.

    - With all the resources we have at our fingertips (aka the dang Internet), all the advice in this book could be found in a single personal finance blog post. I know, I know, that can be applied to about everything. But, it's important to remember this is an extremely short book as it is, so I would have liked a little more susbstance.

    - Don't be fooled by the "Updated 3rd Edition" part of the title. It's crazy out of date, so be forewarned! The financial tips are still applicable for sure, but just know homes used the examples are going to cost $90,000. If that bothers you, pick up the updated version (2011) The Wealthy Barber Returns Dramatically Older and Marginally Wiser, David Chilton Offers His Unique Perspectives on the World of Money

    All that said, it's a solid 3 out of 5 for me. It had some great advice for first-time investors, but I think there's probably some better resources out there.
  • Kind of an adaptation of The Richest Man in Babylon. Set in a more modern time than TRMIB, and written in plain English. Same basic premise that several of these types of books follow Save some of your income every payday, invest it wisely, save for retirement, live below your means. It is an excellent book, very easy, fun read. The only critique I have, is that he kind of glosses over the retirement "lesson". I think the author didn't know where to go with it; there are so many different formulas for retirement income, you can hardly blame him. Still, this being an "entry level" type book, he could have given some sort of percentage to save, as a starting point for new to personal finance folks. Chilton also covers insurance, some tax info, and a little real estate. Although not a deep guide by any means, it is a fun to read book; you can't wait to read about the next lesson the characters get from the barber. If I were to give a friend, who was new to personal finance, a book recommendation or two, it would be The Wealthy Barber, and The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey.
  • Wonderful when written but now outdated by the financial crisis, etc. The update "The Wealthy Barber Returns" lacks the narrative appeal of the original, but it has updated approaches to investing and financial management. I've taught Business Planning and find the update is still useful for helping people understand how to control spending urges and invest wisely.
  • I got the 1st version of this from my grandparents eons ago after they saw something on PBS, and I'll tell you what. There aren't many books that "change a person's life", but this one did. This book completely changed my understanding of finances and while being in the 8th grade, I now had a better understanding of wealth generation and financial myths than many people 5x my age.... or so I thought.

    Flash forward 25ish years later - NKOTB is back out on the road. Despite that clear sign of the end times...

    Yes! I was right - the principles in this book still hold true, and people are still falling for much of the commonly-espoused financial advice that simply isn't true. I bought this book for my wife for us to read together - she's heard me reference it so many times over the years, she just had to see what the buzz was about....

    or maybe it was just to shut me up.
